horny_blonde, 24 from Epping in Essex

horny_blonde has 25 photos in their album.

Hi, I'm 24 (if that wasn't obvious), clean and drugs, disease free. I'll be honest, I'm kinda lonely, besides the people I intereact with at this short college course I'm doing I don't really have any one to talk to or interact with and it's a little depressing that I get to come home and there's no one else to talk to, it's driving me a little nuts to be honest.
I'm not looking for a boyfriend, I'm just not interested in an emotional attachment like you would have with a boyfriend, but a friend that I can have a little bit of naughty fun with but also hangout and go places like museums or parks or just any where.
I don't really want a fuckbudy either, had a few, kinda fun but not much else to it. So, a little bit about me: I like music (Classical, Heavy metal, Rock n roll, Reggae, Goth rock, Alternative, electronica), Movies (Pulp fiction, lord of the rings, Accepted, Kick ass, I-robot the pursuit of happiness), books (pretty much fantasy books), Impressionism and surrealism and maybe even a bit of cubism but not a fan of modern art, LOVE Italian food and chocolate, Hate shellfish and beetroot.

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